So you’re looking for a home for rent, how’s that working out? The proverbial, “needle in the haystack” Finding the home you want for the rent you want to pay, which is rarely available but if it is, you have 100’s of families that want it as bad as you so the home is gone in a few days. Most landlords know this so the rent is usually much higher and wants first/last/security. And then comes the rules and they are tough, in some cases no children, always NO pets, and absolutely NO smoking and it gets worse, now comes the demands, lawn care the way he wants it, no renovation or even painting without his approval, and he can show up at any time for an inspection, no privacy. That’s how rent-to-own houses work with BuyLikeRent!

So How Rent-to-Own Houses Work?

Once again, you NEED a home, so what is the solution….the simple answer, BUY LIKE RENT a home….BUT you say, I don’t know how to buy a home, I do not have the 20% down payment, I doubt if I qualify and many more questions…. But if you had my 50 years of experience in the real estate business you would know that BUYING vs RENTING is not a contest, BUYING WINS every time, please stay with me… the good parts are coming, I hate getting long winded but I want you to fully understand how easy it is to buy a home. Let us first bypass for now the upfront costs, which when shown to you will be a pleasant surprise, first is HOW DO I QUALIFY?

Qualifying for a home loan is based on two things and only two things: Income and Credit and both of these requirements are very flexible under government housing loans. (FHA/HUD/VA)
Down payment: If you’re a military veteran the down payment is ZERO and most other government programs are no more than 3% and we give you most of that in our rebate program*
Closing costs: In most cases our sellers will pay for most closing costs**
With the money we advance you through our financial rebate program it is doubtful it will not exceed the funds if you rented.

Have faith in us, we KNOW HOW to do this and we will get you approved, so let us compare the difference in RENT vs BUY As you know the home rental market is a bare bones market, one house for rent and 100’s of applicants and the rent is overpriced if it is available…. But now let us look at the BUYERS market.
As a buyer you will now have plenty of homes to look at in the area you want without paying any more than you wanted to for rent and for a much better home. Here are a few examples..

You wanted to pay $1000 per month for rent, you now are eligible for up to a $150,000 home and your monthly payment will be no more than $1000 per month, includes everything.
If you wanted to pay $1500 a month, then you can buy a home up to $250,000…
AND!!! You get the area you want, bring in your kids and pets and NO RULES!!!! Go ahead paint the bedroom, do some landscaping, you are the MASTER of your DOMIAN!!!

Yeah I know, you have a ton of questions about how rent-to-own houses work like; how do I know if I qualify? How much is the upfront costs for me to buy? How long does this take before I am in my home? Well let me see if I can set your mind at ease a bit, think of us as your Ambassador, we take our experience and do about 99% of the work, yep you have 1% to do…. You have to choose one of our homes and you have to come to a closing and get your deed, in between all of that our EXPERIENCE takes over, we are masters at mortgages and have closed 1000’s of homes. We can absolutely help you find out how rent-to-own houses work!


Buy Like Rent is a Real Estate Agency based in Florida with an experience for over 50 years in buy-like-rent, buy and sell, property investment, real estate brokerage, and mortgage banking operation services.

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