Online House Buying.

Believe it or not, us agents know very well how our home buyers react to each situation.

Regardless of having a real estate agent or not, online house buying will always be a present option to all buyers.

House buyers will even continue to keep tabs on the online house buying industry even after closing a house deal. It’s human nature and we recognize it as such.

This is nothing new for the agents.

We fully understand how buyers would like to guarantee that their real estate agents are truly doing deep dive research for the perfect home to fit your criteria.

We, too, have once been a house buyer in our lives and would also like to guarantee that we are getting only the best service.

Okay. So you’re running through the daily newspaper or maybe even online house buying.

How can you be so sure that these houses are actually for sale in the market?

Here’s some of the guidelines in identifying if a house for sale is available for you:

Online House Buying

Sold Home
More often than expected, agents forget to remove online postings on websites where properties are listed.

Not For Sale
Link farms could set up various promising posting just to generate traffic to the site – even when the property is not really for sale. The best that these link scam gains here is traffic and their domain’s search ranking.

Some homes may still be included even after filing a notice of default. These properties could be filed for foreclosure, meaning they are no longer available for the public market and should be taken down from the website the soonest possible.

Magazines and Newspapers

Some agents purposely publish a property without an address. Their motive is, they want you to pick up the phone and call them asap. Chances that you did call them, they would take this opportunity to sell you something else.

Magazines are no longer suggested in finding available properties, as it takes 30 days and sometimes even more to publish and distribute. So chances of seeing a property on a magazine still available from the date when it was listed to the day you’ve read it can only be so slim.

Most agents who publish on magazines share the same motives as the newspaper publisher, which is to get more leads regardless if the property is available or not.

Hiring a real estate agent means hiring a temporary partner to look for your next dream home. This means working with someone you trust to help you achieve your goals.

Chances that you might find a property for sale that you would like to learn more of, contact your Real Estate Agent first before resorting to dialing a competitor’s phone. This lessens the risk of falling into fake sales to be leads.

Buy Like Rent is a Real Estate Agency based in Florida with an experience for over 50 years in rent-to-own, buy and sell, property investment, real estate brokerage, and mortgage banking operation services.

Buy Like Rent is your dedicated Real Estate broker with over 50 years of experience in selling residential real estate, buylikerent homes, and property investments.

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